Norway is slowly but surely lifting its strict travel rules. Here's what applies to residents of the USA at the moment.
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic in Norway, the country has had some of Europe's strictest entry restrictions in place. While they are in the process of being relaxed, travel restrictions still apply for many Americans.

As the biggest proportion of Life in Norway readers are actually American, I thought I would address the number one question I get from readers: When can I travel to Norway?
But a word of warning before we start. If you're expecting me to give you a precise date when you can travel, you're going to be disappointed!
The travel restrictions are of course subject of change. What I write here is correct at the time of writing. However, things can change quickly! I am unlikely to keep this article up to date, so you should also refer to our Norway Entry Restrictions page that is regularly updated and contains links to all the official sources of information.
I also get a lot of angry emails and comments on articles like this. Please understand that I am not setting the rules here!
I have no insider knowledge on government plans, so all I can do is report on already announced information. Please consider these facts before sending negativity my way. Thanks!
Table of Contents
American travel advice
First things first, American citizens should consider the advice of their own government. At the time of writing, the CDC has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Norway, urging Americans to “reconsider” travel to Norway.

Those who do choose to travel should check their booking conditions for flights and accommodation in the event of short-notice cancellations. Also, check your travel insurance coverage.
Norway's entry restrictions and quarantine obligation
Norway draws a distinction between people who are allowed to enter the country, and if that person has a quarantine obligation. You must check both when considering travel.
Read more: Denmark Opens Border To Vaccinated Americans
The quarantine period is ten days. For some countries, this period must begin in a quarantine hotel until a PCR test with a negative result can be produced, after a minimum of three days.
Most people who have a quarantine obligation must also present a negative test certificate upon arrival taken no more than 24 hours before entry. Advance registration is required for entry.

Rules for US residents
At the time of writing, Norwegian citizens and residents of Norway may enter the country. Those travelling from the USA must serve the quarantine period.
While the country has begun to relax travel restrictions for residents of EU countries, an entry ban remains in place for non-EU countries, including the US. This means that US residents cannot enter Norway for the purpose of tourism, regardless of vaccination status.
Exemptions include people who are visiting a close family member who is a resident of Norway. This includes a spouse, long-term cohabitant, children or stepchildren under 18, or parents/stepparents if you are over 18.
From September 12, grandparents/grandchildren and romantic partners will also be able to visit, but there is an advance application process for this group with UDI.
An important note: Even though the above groups are exempt from the entry ban, you must still serve the quarantine period.
Read more: Sweden Extends Travel Restrictions Over Summer But Welcomes Nordic Visitors
Some occupational groups are also exempted, including journalists, sailors, transportation and military personnel.

What might change–and when?
Although we don't have a fixed date for when other Americans will be able to visit, we can draw some conclusions.
Norway's reopening plan
Prime minister Erna Solberg recently announced that Norway is postponing the next stage of its reopening plan. This means that limits on public event capacity and the recommendation to work from home will remain in place for the time being.
Solberg said the next step would be a full relaxation of measures. This would happen as soon as a “significant” proportion of Norway's population have been vaccinated. However, the full relaxation of measures will not necessarily include entry restrictions.
Norway and the EU
Norway's travel restrictions are now based on EU recommendations, but Norway is free to implement whichever rules it chooses. Nevertheless, it's worth keeping an eye on the EU recommendations in order to get a feel for what Norway may decide to do.
I'm fully vaccinated–why can't I come?
The million dollar question! Norway is behind the US on vaccinations. As such, the authorities are being cautious about exposing its population to potential new sources of infection.

But a positive sign is that fully vaccinated EU travellers will soon be able to enter Norway using the EU-wide vaccination certificate.
The difficulty in rolling that out to American travellers is the lack of any nationwide certification system in the US.
This makes it very difficult for American travellers to prove vaccination using a method that meets the EU framework. If the EU vaccine certificate allows for the processing of non-EU residents, then that could be a way through.
But at the moment, there is no indication of this happening. So, it may be that the travel restrictions are lifted first and you would just have to provide a negative test result, but this is just me speculating.
As I've said before, I do not have any insider information–so please don't expect me to know the answer to your specific situation. There are many exemptions, conditions etc and they change frequently, so please do double check with the official sources before booking any travel.
Those official sources are as follows: The official government webpages on the pandemic
FHI: The Norwegian Institute of Public Health maintains the colour-coded map of country-based restrictions. It's also home to the official statistics.
UDI: The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration details the specific entry requirements and exceptions in full.
Apparently Norway does not think that a vaccine is that effective. In America we follow SCIENCE. A CDC vaccine card is all we need. The CDC also has a record of all of our vaccines, including the flu shot.
Don’t let in U.S. Marines into Norway since 40% refuse to get the vaccine.
In America you follow SCIENCE? What a truly idiotic comment. Perhaps you are unaware that your own darling America currently bans all travellers from the U.K. and Europe regardless of vaccination status-and has done throughout the pandemic. Perhaps do some basic research next time eh, prof?
Yes, in the US we follow science. Senile Scientist Joe Biden leaves the door at the southern border wide open and allows in the unwashed masses from the third world, over 50% of whom test positive for Covid. They feed them, give them housing, then fly or bus them to other parts of the country where the Covid rate is low. I think the idea is to spread Covid around as much as possible so that the places with high infection rates won’t look as bad. Ask Joe, this is much more preferable than welcoming vaccinated tourists from Europe to help the economy. I think it is part of the plan to kill the economy as much as possible. That is why I voted for Trump. So if those tourists from the the UK and the EU want in to the US, they need to fly to Mexico, then swim across the Rio Grande. They will get food and accommodation for free.
You can move!!! Bye . Also Biden for president not a scientist lol. Americas bigger problem or people like James the Trump supporters the people who only got to fourth grade
Hei David, I just wanted to share the below info from UDI’s webpage, which might be helpful to other Americans like me who have a Norwegian personnummer and are able to get their American-taken vaccines registered with Helse Norge and then access their QR code certificates for both Norway and the EU. I am not a current resident of Norway, but because I have been in the past and have a personnumer, I was able to etterregistrere my vaccine by virtual appointment with a Norwegian doctor and then access my certificates through Helse Norge. Here’s what UDI says: “Er du fullvaksinert eller har gjennomgått covid-19 de siste seks månedene, og kan dokumentere det med et gyldig norsk eller europeisk koronasertifikat med QR-kode? Da kan du reise inn til Norge, du er unntatt innreisekarantene og trenger ikke å ha med attest på negativ test, fylle ut innreiseregistreringsskjema eller ta test på grensen. Dette gjelder uavhengig av hvilket land du kommer fra.” I hope I’m not misunderstanding this, but according to this statement, folks in my situation should be able to enter Norway without having to quarantine. My local consulate has confirmed this, as well. Just thought I’d share!
How did you get an appointment with a Doctor there? I tried doing the messaging through Helse Norge and it said I do not have an assigned doctor.
I too have a personnummer but reside in the US. I do not however have a bankID in Norway which seems to be the only way anyone can get anything done through the websites.
My children and grandchildren are in Norway. Can you clarify more specifically a virtual doctor appointment?
I am a Canadian citizen and have a Canadian passport and will be visiting Poland from August 27th, 2021, to September 6th, 2021. As of the current rules, I will not be required to quarantine in Poland, and can enter by simply showing my vaccination certificate. During my stay in Poland, I would like to fly to Norway for a few days. I am fully vaccinated, and have a CDC issued vaccination certificate. Is it possible for me to fly to Norway from Poland as a Canadian citizen?
Hello I have a question: My wife, an Italian resident and citizen, was fully vaccinated in the USA, therefore she has not a UE vaccine card, but an US certificate of full vaccination: should she decide to visit Norway would she be exempt from quarantine?
I have the same question Paolo. We’re you able to find out? Please let me know if one can get in with a USA vaccine card and a negative test. [email protected]
So everybody who has to be quarantined has to do it in a hotel? Or do they quarantine in the hotel until they get a negative test result then they can
spend the remaining quarantine time at relative’s home (that they’re visiting)? Thank you
Some of you guys need to try reading the article. What part of “I have no inside info and can’t answer questions about specific situations” was so difficult to grasp?