Life in Norway Show Episode #70: A US-Poland dual citizen joins the show to chat through her process of moving to Norway, and why she wants to share what she’s learned with you.
Welcome back to the Life in Norway Show! It has been a long time since the last episode. After so many of you have been in touch, I’ve realised it was high time to get cracking once again! So, I’m delighted to say it’s full steam ahead with the podcast.

Several guests are ready to share their relocation insights or their unique perspectives on life in Norway with you over the weeks to come. First up is Gabriella Mikiewicz, a communications professional living in Oslo, Norway.
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Introducing Gabriella and Unlock Norway
Gabriella’s background as a US-Poland dual citizen who has also lived in Lithuania, Denmark and Germany gives her a fascianting perspective on moving to Norway.
She is the founder of Unlock Norway, which she created to help fellow newcomers understand the country better.
She said her experience of living in Norway has been enriched by her Norwegian partner and friends, who have given her so much content and context to understand the country better.
“However, I realize that not everyone has access to this kind of information, which is why I started Unlock Norway. The goal is to share fun facts, tips, tricks, and everything I'm learning as I go along here, to help others feel more informed and connected to this beautiful country,” she said.
Links from the show
- Follow Unlock Norway on Instagram