Follow me on a walk around my local neighbourhood in Trondheim on this very snowy weekend!
So these last few days we've had some pretty impressive snowfall here in Trondheim, which is not always the case in early December.
One of the first things you learn when moving to Norway is to make the most of the limited daylight at this time of year and get yourself outside, whatever the weather! So when I eventually opened the curtains this morning, I knew what I had to do…
Photos of famous landmarks of Trondheim in the snow are ten a penny on the internet, but it's harder to find glimpses of ‘everyday life' in the winter. So, I took my camera with me to give you all a little insight into what life is like out here in the suburbs, a few kilometres south of central Trondheim.

Walking on fresh snowfall is one of life's little pleasures, but it's always an activity fraught with risk. That's because the ground here at this time of year is often icy, and the snowfall disguises this fact. Unless the snow has had time to harden, the ground is often at its slippiest!
There are several of these small playgrounds (above) throughout the estate. At one of them there were a few kids determined to use the swings, before they gave up and decided to build a snowman instead.
One question you might be wondering is where are all the people? Many people will have been preparing for Christmas, getting ready to eat lunch (Norwegians eat early), or enjoying the rare opportunity to shop on a Sunday. Many shops in the central area and the nearby shopping mall are open on Sundays throughout December.
There's something about the red, blue and yellow colours that many Norwegians choose to paint their houses that just works so well against the snow.
It seems that not everyone was heading for the shops, or out on a skiing trip… I have never owned a car in Norway and I've surprised myself by not really missing car ownership. For one thing, driving in the winter would make me nervous!
The snow clearance operation was in full flow in and around the housing estates, even on a Sunday.
One of my favourite places to go in and around my neighbourhood is to this viewpoint (actually a bus stop!) that offers a terrific view due north back towards the city centre. Those who know Trondheim will be able to make out (just) the Tyholt television tower in more or less the centre of the picture.
As the sky was rapidly darkening, I decided to make for home. I couldn't go anywhere fast though, as the only way was downhill!
As I returned to my house, I saw a young child who could only have been three years old learning to walk on skis. It's the perfect day for that, and just goes to prove that Norwegians are indeed born with skis on their feet!
Read more: Trondheim in the Snow
¡EXCELENTE! ¡MAGNÍFICO! No conozco Noruega, pero la amo a la distancia, por eso es MUY IMPORTANTE la información que compartís. ¡¡¡GRACIAS!!!
Love your site. So envious of you making the move. My husband and I “got into” Norway late. We have only visited Oslo and Bergen so far but intend to have more holiday breaks in Norway gradually working our way north. Alta and Trondheim are on our wish list.
Thank you very much for providing such a wonderful information, beautiful countryside,nice language & photos,with regards,J R Patel