Were you hoping to visit Norway this summer? Norway's border closure has just been extended into August, with some exceptions.
My inbox has been jam-packed with emails from people from all over the world hoping to visit Norway this summer. Some of you had travel plans, including many cruise trips. Others simply wanted to visit friends or family. With a few exceptions, I bring you some bad news.
At a press conference today, the Norwegian Government announced an extension of its current travel advice until late August. However, some changes may be brought in earlier relating to the other Nordic countries, and a select few European countries. More on this below.
In many other areas of society, Norway continues its return to normal life. Schools are back open, and many people who had been temporarily laid off are now back at work. But the Norwegian government is not taking many chances with the border.
It was Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide that announced the details: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains its current travel advice, which advises against all travel that is not strictly necessary. We are committed to providing as much predictability as possible, but at the same time it is difficult when we are so far away from a normal situation.”
All four measures extended
All four coronavirus measures relating to travel are to be extended until 20 August.
These are as follows:
- The advice on limiting domestic travel in Norway. Use of public transport in cities is limited and discouraged unless necessary
- All travel abroad should only be undertaken when strictly necessary
- Foreigners without a resident permit in Norway cannot enter the country. Some exceptions were recently announced to this rule, mainly for close family members of EEA citizens resident in Norway
- Anyone arriving in Norway from abroad is subject to a period of home quarantine. The time period of the quarantine was recently reduced from 14 to 10 days
Søreide emphasised that the possibility of making more exceptions and easing some restrictions is under review. Leisure trips within the Nordic region are being reviewed, with an announcement on that expected no later than 15 June.
Trips to selected other European countries may be allowed, with a ruling on that set to be announced by a few weeks after the Nordic decision. Work-related trips within the Nordic region are also under consideration. In this scenario, the home quarantine requirement could be replaced with a self-assessment procedure.

Common Nordic approach desired, but no guarantees
The Prime Minister Erna Solberg said the government is working alongside the other Nordic countries. The goal is to have common rules across the region, but the option to reintroduce tighter rules will always be under consideration: “We think it's nice if we could open all the countries at once, that's what we work for, common across the Nordic countries.”
“With higher activity, infection could increase. We have considered this in all the steps we have taken. We do not have a strategy where we think infection will be completely eliminated in our community before we have a vaccine. Primarily, we now believe that there may be local outbreaks that we need to cut down on there and initiate measures that quickly limit the infection in those areas,” added Solberg.
Norway holiday this summer
It seems as if many Norwegians have little choice but to take their summer vacation in Norway this year.
In fact, many in the tourism industry are relying on strong domestic tourism in order to stay in business. With flights severely limited and the government advice on limiting public transport use still in place, Norway's roads could be in for a very busy summer season.
Iselin Nybø, Norway's Minister of Trade and Industry, said the government is preparing for this: “Since many Norwegians will be vacationing in Norway this summer, the tourism industry is preparing to welcome people on holiday safely. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has created a plan for infection prevention measures.”
“There is an invitation to spend the summer to see and experience Norway. Use the whole country – that's for sure, it's safe, and last but not least: It keeps our tourism industry running, and it means a lot to the rest of the business community,” added Nybø.
Well I’m stuck in the UK. A UK national married for 22 years to a Norwegian. Happily married, we both live and work in our respective countries. Meeting either in London or Oslo most weekends. I never bothered going for Norsk residency as I was only ever over for a few days at a time as a EU citizen. My lovely wife rushed back to Oslo mid March weekend to beat the lockdown and get to work and we’ve now been apart for two months which is a nightmare to us both. It’s all well and good having a “Living apart together” relationship so long as we can be together for some of the time ie flights and open borders!. Now I’m not allowed in at all as far as I can see, as apart from her wedding ring and a uk marriage certificate I have no proof of rights to access Norway as I never applied for a personnummer. Also of course we’d have to isolate for the required periods.
Hopefully this dreadful pandemic goes away quickly and we can be the free couple with national addresses in two countries able to be together in both Norway and the UK.
My partner is in from Norway and the last time I saw him was beginning of march. We were hoping to meet in June. I am dissapointed that this is not possible. I hope the government can make exceptions for partners as we also need that emotional connection with our loved ones
My boyfriend is Norwegian. I’m so sick with this. Should be allowed for us to travel and see our loved ones!!!! We could even be on quarantine if that s the case. It’s been more than one year that I don’t see my boyfriend 😕
The border has been closed for less than three months, not a year.
As I currently understand it, you fall into the immediate family clause, which would mean you have to do 10 days quarantine, but should be allowed in.
I feel for you though, as my fiancé returned to Brazil to visit family end of February for 4 weeks and we where supposed to be married in June in the U.K., and now we are completely screwed. And no idea at all as to what will happen, and with Brazil in the High risk category for travel, they won’t be allowed anytime soon, if at all this year…
Can anyone confirm this? I am an American citizen married to a Norwegian and we are dying to meet.
Hello, I live in America and am on a extended stay in Sunne, Sweden. My flight is from Oslo to America in July. Would I be able to fly out of Oslo without staying in Oslo? Just passing through Norway.
You may get a flight to the U.K., but no one knows right now.
Thanks for information. My husband and I wish to visit my sister in Ålesund i September and stay with her 2 weeks. Are we allowed into the country.? I am Norwegian with a Norwegian passport. My husband english.
Thank you so much for these updates. I been listening to conference since the lockdown, but my Norwegian is not perfect. So some information leave me confused!
You are updating great and it helps to sort of find some hope.
I have boyfriend in USA and I am resident in Norway. We supposed to be together in USA in April. Haven’t seen him since January… all this is so hard emotionally and hard for our relationships, so far we have found a way to make virtual dates, have fun, talk, but we miss each other so much. I hope soonish me or him can one of the countries together.
Fingers crossed for low case numbers, some possibilities to travel overseas, even with quarantine time.
From some comments I can see we both are not the only ones in this distance relationship craziness!
I feel your pain. I am in the USA and my boyfriend is in Norway and we haven’t seen each other since January. We usually visit each other every 2 months. This is so hard and the USA is mishandling the situation. It’s so scary and nerve wracking to not know when we will see each other again.
Hi, that means that no foreign tourists from EU can’t enter the border to Norvey at least until August 20th?
My daughter is registered to go to Folkeskole in August – she is an American. Will this be cancelled?
I suggest asking the folkeskole…
I currently live and work in Norway with Temporal resident permit valid for 1 year, I want to go visit my family in Canada, will I be allowed back into Norway after my visit.
Yes residents of Norway can come into the country.
My bf live in Norway and I live in Zambia
was planning on visiting him in September to spend my birthday together as we have not seen each other in a long time
Will I be allowed to come in?
My partner is from Stavanger and we meet once every 6 months. My flight scheduled for April was cancelled by the airline. We stay together for a month at a time and usually stay indoors. I have belongings in his place as we’re in a committed relationship. I was wondering if there is anything I could do to meet him again? I’m most definitely not a tourist as I can provide the address where we stay but I’m not sure if by not being legally married, partners of Norwegian citizens aren’t allowed due to the current restrictions? Thank you so much for any helpful information provided.
Little choice in taking the summer vacay in this dump?! Not gonna happen!! Luckily I can at least get to the UK,even though the plan was to go to the US in July,but guess that flight will be cancelled yet again like it did around Easter time. But staying in this country a whole summer will of course never happen,lol! I go to the US and UK several times a year as I really need to get outta this country from time to time,so hopefully the US will open their borders soon. Just wish there was a good site I could keep up to date on that,so if anyone knows of one,please let me know.
I didn’t know Norway was a dump.
lol! A long explanation I won’t get into here,but when you’ve lived here for too long,you kinda get fed up with a lot of things. But I guess that’s true for many other places as well.
love Norway so in no way is it a dump (from Los Angeles). Just expensive !!
loud obnoxious american 🙂
Oh it’s more than expensive,lol! And I actually love L.A.! And NY,Portland,Astoria,San Diego,Raleigh,Merced…..even Veags has it’s charm,lol!
Oooops,meant Vegas,obviously,lol!
Just like many others my bf live in Norway and I live in London normally see each other every 3-4 weeks. Had a holiday booked to China together in 2 weeks obviously not happening. Not seen him since early march and won’t now until probably September. Breaks my heart
Thank you David for the updates. Always appreciated. 😊
I’m looking forward to visiting Norway when the PM opens up the border and flights resume.
I have a boyfriend who lives in Grimstad and I’ve not seen him since the start of the year. I am grateful that I am well and healthy, as that is the most important thing right now.
Keep well.
We are 4 friends who have planned to go for flyfishing in July . We have booked all our flights / hôtels etc
Coming from Switzerland and Landing in Tromsø … Then going by bus to Kilpisjarvi in Finland …
Do you think this will be possible ?
François Boucher
La Tour de Peilz
this is insane from the Norwegian government. They have few corona-cases and still they go in complete lockdown. It’s just egoistic in my opinion.
Do you know if they would allow (best case scenario) Belgians to enter for a mobilhome roadtrip through Norway?
Perhaps numbers are low BECAUSE the government went into lockdown early enough and have remained cautious about letting idiot tourists in. Have you read up on how this virus spreads and how it affects the vulnerable and elderly? I’m assuming you’re not in either of the high risk groups.
I have court orders in USA for visitations with my children. The Norwegian government is violating my parental rights to be with my children. I was to fly there late June pick them up and bring them to US for summer. Now it appears I can’t land there and meet my children at the airport and bring them back with me. This is very upsetting to all of us and is having an emotional toll on myself and my children.
The Norwegian government is not violating your “parental rights”. American law has no jurisdiction or authority in Norwegian soil. Do you Americans even think twice before you comment here? The audacity of you to assume everyone should abide by your rules just because some US court said you have so and so right. Ridiculous!
I live and work in Norway. They now want all Norwegians to vacation in Norway this summer. Problem with that is traveling by car will cost more than a vacation(flight and hotel) in just about any other place in the world. Toll roads everywhere. Believe me its expensive. Airfares are great if your traveling outside Norway. Most flights are cheaper to the US then just an hour flight within Norway. So for me this year its sitting home for vacation.
You can pop over to the UK,or even just Sweden,you don’t have to stay in this country. I’m certainly not! lol
I am living in the U.K. and my husband is working in Oslo. He’s not due to come home until the end of July. Am I able to and visit him during this time. He has a permanent address and I would be staying with him.
Hi there
My aunt and uncle lives in Norway , most of the time
I come to visite once or twice a year , iam Belgium citizen , can I come to visite them afther 15 June , is it possible?
We have done some project with norwegian contractor in malaysia. Can they fly off from norway to malaysia at the moment? is there any supporting document we required to provide to norwegian authority so that they are allowed to go abroad.
They should do something like Denmark, which is allowing partners of certain relationship age to visit eachother. I havent see my partner since February this year. Was supposed to see her in may but my flight got cancelled due to the virus. I’m from a country that’s covid free right now ( Montenegeo) yet they still forbid me to enter? We see eachother several times a year.
I have a girlfriend living in France, last time I saw her was in March. She is/was supposed to come this summer, I am just hoping for the best. All of this sucks, but we have to remember that it is for a good cause guys, these restricions and closed borders are not there for no reason. Stay strong.
My heart is broken, my boyfriend is in Oslo at the moment and I am in Toronto and I haven’t seen him since January 1st! I was due to fly out today to see him and spend 3 months with him today but the flight was cancelled.
I have been in isolation since this all started to why would I be bringing something in when I haven’t been anywhere. Our hearts are broken. I understand the reasoning but lets us travel with all the precautions. I am counting the days until we can meet again. Please consider what they are doing in Denmark, let loved ones in and not only married partners, not all of us are married
Can you not get a flight into Amsterdam/London UK and then onto Oslo? They are allowing close family members into Norway now. I’m hopefully going to be able to get back to the UK without having to self-isolate. I haven’t seen my family since Christmas and I’ve been down about it so I can’t imagine how you are feeling 🙁 If you can’t catch a flight to Oslo have a look at where you and your partner can meet in Norway as he will be able to travel freely in the country.
He could even meet you on your first leg (if the UK confirm their ‘air bridge’ countries (which should be today) then you partner could meet you after your first flight and you could both come into Norway together?
Dear all, I am located in Germany and i am dreaming of coming to visit the contry by car. Some changes just came up today in the news about opening borders. Could you give us some more input about the Norway situation in terms of tourism for E.U. Citizens?
Hello! I am supposed to be studying abroad in Oslo this coming August (I am from the US). Any idea when they will be opening borders for students, and/or giving out visas?
Read this article it states ‘From 1 July, students who have been accepted on courses for the 2020/2021 academic year can enter Norway.’ 🙂
Sorry, I just realised that this article is relating to the UK and not US.
My niece and her sons lived with me years before she moved to Oslo to resident with her husband and sons . I visited them regularly plus my boyfriend is also live in Oslo we meet once a month . We haven’t met since March the 16th .
Could anyone tell me if I’m eligible to enter Oslo in July to visit them due to the relationship I have with my niece and my boyfriend.
Ryanair is reopen and schedule to flight from London to Oslo on 1st July . I wonder if I am allow in if I take that flight .
Thank you
I live in the UK and I have a cabin in Norway that I am trying to get ready for sale., but I cannot get there at present. I have already had to cancel one trip in May, and it looks the same for another in August! In all the comments here, people do not seem to realise that there are virtually no planes flying at the moment and anyway the borders are closed. If there were planes, and unless the border is opened, you wouldn’t be allowed in anyway, so it currently is a no go area. This of course is very sad for a lot of people, the main problem is that there is no indication of when planes will restart, (and from where to where). Until then no one can make any arrangements!
Hello Roger
Where about is cabin for sale
Can Norwegian passport holder travel to the US at this time ( July? My soon to be mom in law and his 11 year old grandson.
I’m supposed to go halibut fishing in lofoten islands 1st week of September. I am American, do you think that this trip will be cancelled because of the virus?
Thanks for your post. I am a Canadian (currently living in Canada) also with a British Passport. Do you know if it is possible for me to visit Norway towards the end of August? If there is a website with this info, please send a link. thank you.
All you BFs and GFs who want to meet. Why not book a church, set a date for a wedding and get all govt ok to this.
You do not have to get married since a lot of things can come up. When you pass the border you got a strong case.