Ever wondered what it’s like to come almost face-to-face with a polar bear? Don’t miss this firsthand account—complete with stunning photos—of a close encounter with one of nature’s most fearsome predators.
The Arctic Ocean isn’t exactly a place for sightseeing. It’s cold, remote, and unforgiving – and time spent there is precious.

On a research vessel, every minute counts, with work demanding your full attention. The exception to that rule is when a polar bear shows up.
When that happens, anyone that can safely spare a minute goes out on deck to take a look. Those encounters are never really part of the plan, but they’re the moments I remember most.
Curious how those run-ins played out? Let me tell you.
Welcome to my office in the Arctic
We know more about the surface of the moon than we do about the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. The reason for this is that sea ice makes the area so difficult to access.
This is why multiple nations send research vessels there every year. Norway is one of those nations, and the RV Kronprins Haakon is its research icebreaker.
I’ve had the privilege of working on this icebreaker during three of its missions to the Arctic Ocean.

Running a research icebreaker is enormously expensive. Expedition participants are expected to make every minute count.
The same sea ice that makes the area so difficult to access for humans, however, makes it a playground for the Arctic’s greatest predator: the polar bear. You never know when they show up, but spend any amount of time in Arctic sea ice and there’s a good chance you’ll get to see one.
Much like people, all bears are different. Some like to keep their distance, while others get so close it feels like they’re sizing you up.

But no matter the distance, every encounter leaves a lasting impression. There’s something surreal about seeing such a big animal appear out of nowhere in the icy landscape, and silently approach your ship as if it owns the place.
The reason the bear behaves like it owns the place is that on many levels, it kinda does. No other creatures can hurt it up here—except sometimes humans.
When a polar bear gets that close to the ship, the helicopter deck usually fills up with people eager to snap a photo.

One day, a large male took his time approaching, then sat down to look at us, and eventually left us to go rest on a nearby ice flow.
Suddenly, a second, smaller one approached, catching on the first one’s scent. The first one, despite its large size, decided to avoid a direct confrontation and ran away.

The second one then shifted its attention to the ship, treating us to a double polar bear sighting in a single day!
Polar bears: Built for the cold
Polar bears are built for life in the Arctic, thriving in temperatures between -10 to -20°C. Their thick layers of fur and fat help them stay insulated against the biting cold.
However, this perfect adaptation to freezing environments has a downside – if a polar bear overheats, it has no way to sweat like we do.
Overheating is a real risk, especially during physical activity or in warmer temperatures, which can leave them uncomfortable or even at risk of heatstroke.

They manage this by resting frequently or taking a quick dip in icy water to cool down.
Polar bears and their icebreaker fascination
Actively attracting polar bears is strictly forbidden, but with their incredible sense of smell, it’s hard to stay unnoticed when you’re aboard an icebreaker.
Polar bears can detect scents from over 30 kilometers away (about 20 miles), and a ship navigating through their domain doesn’t go unnoticed for long.
The rules are simple—let the bear come to you. If a polar bear approaches, it’s best to observe and wait until it decides to move on.

This usually doesn’t take long—after a few minutes of mutual curiosity, the bear typically loses interest and goes on its way. But those few minutes of up-close observation? They’re unforgettable.
One of the most heartwarming sights in the Arctic is witnessing a polar bear family in the wild.
A mother bear will typically raise her cubs for about 2.5 years, feeding them her milk and teaching them how to survive in one of the planet’s most challenging environments.

It’s during this time that cubs learn to hunt, find shelter, and navigate the vast icy terrain. And just like human families, the bond between mother and cubs is incredibly strong.
Not all polar bears are eager for a close encounter. Some are more cautious, content to observe from afar.
These distant observers are no less majestic—seeing a polar bear on the horizon is a reminder that the ice-covered Arctic Ocean is their home, and that we humans are mere guests.