Over the course of 12 years, Life in Norway has become one of Norway's leading English language resources. Do you have a story to tell?
We cover everything from practical relocation advice such as housing, finding work, and learning the language, through to travel tips and all things history and culture. With more than six million annual pageviews, Life in Norway gets read!
We get countless enquiries from people wanting to write for the site. Of those, 90% haven't read this page and so don't get a reply. If you want a reply, you're already half-way there!
We are a small company with just one employee, but we make our platform available to those with a story to tell.
Paid Opportunities
We do have a couple long-term writers that we pay for regular articles that need thorough research. However, we are not looking for any more paid writers at this time.
Guest Articles
We are always happy to consider publishing personal stories from foreigners who live and work in Norway. If you have a tale to tell, or a unique view on Norwegian lifestyle, you could share your story with the world.
We do not publish the following sort of guest articles:
- Business promotion
- Articles with links to commercial websites
- Articles purely for SEO purposes
- Articles to promote the writer's business
We reserve the right to edit any guest articles, including but not limited to the removal of all links that are not relevant or that fall into the above categories.
If you have a story to tell, please get in touch with us today.